Thursday, September 21, 2017

free choice

England facts

  1. The population of england is over 58 million
  2. The queen of england is queen elizabeth .
  3. Queen Elizabeth's parents are george vi And queen mother .
  4. The capital of england is london
  5. Fun fact queen elizabeth was born  in london .
  6. England is the most populated country in the uk .
  7. The area of england is over 130,000 thousand km2.
  8. The largest lake in england is called windermere.
  9. Soccer is the national sport in england.
  10. England’s national food is sunday roast .


  1. Wow Amanjot Love your facts about england i never new those facts Keep up the awesome work!!!!!!!

  2. Wow amanjot so many facts
    I like your work because my dad comes from england
